– St Dimitrios Moone Ponds / Services –
A great mystery is being celebrated. How is it a mystery? They come together, and the two are made one. They have not become the image of anything earthly, but of God Himself. They come in order to be made one body; behold the mystery of love!
– St. John Chrysostom, Homily 12 on Colossians –
The Holy Sacrament of marriage joins two people to love, trust and respect one another. Marriage includes good communication, unselfish love and putting their needs before yours. Marriage is spiritual cultivation and combines two people’s journeys to God’s Kingdom.
– St Dimitrios Moone Ponds / Services –
A great mystery is being celebrated. How is it a mystery? They come together, and the two are made one. They have not become the image of anything earthly, but of God Himself. They come in order to be made one body; behold the mystery of love!
– St. John Chrysostom, Homily 12 on Colossians –
The Holy Sacrament of marriage joins two people to love, trust and respect one another. Marriage includes good communication, unselfish love and putting their needs before yours. Marriage is spiritual cultivation and combines two people’s journeys to God’s Kingdom.

Marriage is truly a “great mystery,” the mystery of the meeting of human love and divine love, the very sign and image of God’s presence with humanity. In the Old Testament, Israel was referred to as God’s “spouse,” while in the New Testament, the Church is referred to as the “bride” of Christ. These images attempt to convey in human categories what the Church Fathers refer to as the “frenzied love” of God for His people.
Marriage is much more than a merely private transaction between two individuals; it is an event in which Jesus Christ Himself participates through the presence of the sacramental minister, the priest, and that of the praying community, the church. In view of this “ecclesial” dimension of marriage, therefore, a wedding must be performed within the context of the Orthodox Church in order for the Church to recognize and affirm the validity and authenticity of the marriage.

One or both members of the engaged couple must be an Orthodox Christian of good standing. If one of the spouses has been previously married and divorced, he/she must present a copy of the civil divorce decree. Furthermore, if a previous marriage took place in the Orthodox Church, the divorced spouse must also have received an ecclesiastical divorce. Please be advised, this process for Ecclesiastical divorce can take a few months. Talk to the parish priest if in doubt.

Pre-Marital Counseling
To understand the sacremental dimensions of marriage and the blessings bestowed on the couple. Couples are encouraged to seek out pre-marital counseling with the priest prior to the wedding.
Ecclesiastical & CIVIL Marriage License
At least two months prior to the wedding, the bride and groom are required to schedule an appointment to meet with the priest in order to prepare the required paperwork for both the civil and ecclesiastical ceremony. Please bring along:
Copies of their baptismal certificates
- Baptismal certificates, passports, drivers licence and birth certificates.
- Two witnesses (typically two members of the bridal party)
Sacramental preparation
The bride and/or groom who are of the Orthodox Faith are encouraged to participate in the sacraments of Holy Confession and Holy Communion the week before the wedding.
Wedding Day Preparations
Items necessary for the wedding day:
- Stephana (Crowns).
- Rings for both the bride and the groom.
- Two white candles.
- Civil marriage license.
- If desired, a platter with white Jordan almonds (koupheta) are traditionally prepared for the wedding.
Inter-Christian Marriages
The Orthodox Church can only perform a wedding for two baptized Christians. Interfaith marriages (i.e. between an Orthodox Christian and a member of a non-Christian faith) cannot be performed. The Orthodox Christian Faith will, however, bless inter-Christian marriages under the following conditions
The non-Orthodox party must be a Christian who has been baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity.
The marriage must take place in the Orthodox Church according to the prescribed form of the Service Book, the Orthodox priest being the sole celebrant.
Days when marriages are not permitted:
Weddings may not be performed during the following periods:
- September 14 (Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
- December 13-25 (Nativity Fast & Christmas)
- January 5-6 (Theophany)
- Great Lent & Holy Week (7 weeks before Pascha)
- Pascha
- Pentecost (7th Sunday after Pascha)
- During the Apostles Fast (days preceding June 29; number of days changes according to date of Pascha)
- August 1-15 (Dormition Fast & Feast)
- August 29 (Beheading of St. John the Baptist)
- On any Feast Day of our Lord (e.g. Transfiguration, etc.)
- On Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the Year (Fast Days). Permission from the Archbishop may be sought for an exception in special circumstances.
Prohibited Marriages:
1. Parents with their own children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren.
2. Brothers-in-law with sisters-in-law.
3. Uncles and aunts with nieces and nephews.
4. First cousins with each other.
5. Foster parents with foster children or foster children with the children of foster parents.
6. Godparents with Godchildren or Godparents with the parents of Godchildren.
Saint Dimitrios,
Moonee Ponds
Saint Dimitrios, Moonee Ponds is a parish of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia in the Archdiocesan District of Northcote, located in Melbourne’s north west. Our community is open to anyone in need of spiritual guidance.